Paradise Falls Lutheran Association
At this time the vast majority of these forms are fillable PDFs. However, we are transitioning to an easier format that will allow you to enter the information directly to the online form and submit it.
For those forms that are still using the PDF format, download a copy, fill it out, save it and then submit via email to (See important information below about working with and submitting PDF fillable forms.)
For members who want to use any of the common areas for a family party or private event.
Submit this form to for Board consideration.
For members who have anyone other than their immediate family stay at their cottage without a member present. This helps us know who is on the property. (Note: All rentals must follow Paradise Township policies and PF rules and regulations.)
For members who have outside contractors doing work on PF property. Complete this form with the contractor's information as well as any Paradise Township permit information (if needed).
For members who want to add someone's name to the benches in the Memorial Garden.
For members who have problems or concerns to be addressed by the PFLA Property Committee.
For members who wish to make a contribution to the PFLA Fund.
The Tea Room tab is a convenient way to pay for Tea Room treats and Gift Shop merchandise. The Tea Room accepts only exact change or payment through the member's tab.
Use this form when completing sitings of wildlife and viewing the complete log of all sitings on the PF grounds.
Use this form when completing your fish catches and viewing the complete log of all catches on the PF grounds.
A word about fillable PDF files
Some members have had difficulty submitting fillable PDF forms that they access on our website or receive through email. Note that you are NOT accessing an online form that retains the information you type. You must first download the form to your device, fill in the information and, either save the file, preferably under a different name, or select print and then “Print to a PDF." If you complete the information but do not download it and save it, the returned form will be blank. Some forms have a “submit” option embedded in the form. This will send the document to PFLAinfo, eliminating the save and rename step.
Form functionality varies by device. All forms have been tested, but we cannot guarantee that they will function as designed on yours. If you have difficulty accessing a form on either the website or through a PFLA publication or email, contact