Paradise Falls Lutheran Association

Caring for Paradise Falls is caring for God's creation. Our land, waters and forests are a common home for all creatures. Like any home, it takes stewardship and protection to maintain. Paradise Falls, the Environmental Committee, individual members and our surrounding community all have a role to play in the care of our common home.
You'll find resources at the links below that will expand your knowledge about environmental stewardship.
Taking Care of PF:
Ticks at PF. According to reports, ticks have a field day in our area in the summer, and we should all know how to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our property. The Tick Research Lab of Pennsylvania, in partnership with East Stroudsburg University, offers free basic panel tick testing for Pennsylvania residents. If you find a tick attached, you can submit it to the lab for testing here. You can view the lab's weekly tick reports here. For more information, click here.
What is Electroshock Surveying? The process recently done in Paradise Stream is part of the larger stream remediation project made possible by a local grant. To read more, click here.
Caring for our common home
Additional documents
Local and State Conservation organizations:
Brodhead Watershed Association: www.brodheadwatershed.org (Office at Brodhead Creek Heritage Center)
Pocono Heritage Land Trust: www.phlt.org (Office at Brodhead Creek Heritage Center)
PennFuture: www.pennfuture.org. (Local office at Brodhead Creek Heritage Center)
Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited: http://www.brodheadtu.org
Our Pocono Waters: https://ourpoconowaters.wordpress.com/
Monroe County Conservation District: https://www.mcconservation.org
Delaware Riverkeeper Network: https://www.delawareriverkeeper.org/
Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed: http://www.delriverwatershed.org/
The Nature Conservance Pennsylvania: https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/where-we-work/united-states/pennsylvania/
PA Chapter Sierra Club: https://www.sierraclub.org/pennsylvania