Paradise Falls Lutheran Association
Our Stories
No matter how long we have been members or visitors, we all share our love of this very special place.
Here we will share some of the stories of our PFLA experiences: meetings our spouse here, learning to swim in Lake Crawford, friendly arguments over who caught the largest trout in Paradise Stream, what's the most popular ice cream at the Tea Room, which preacher gave the shortest sermon, which preacher preached the LONGEST sermon ...
We need YOUR help to add content to this space. Please email us at We want to hear your stories and see your photos.
Bob Bauers
"You are not investing in a house in the Poconos. At PF, you are investing in a lifetime of memories."
Kristy Knabe
"PF is a place where you can rest, you can restore, you can engage, you can be inspired. PF is like no other place."